Point Stores

Powerful online point stores to motivate and reward your team or customers

Reward employees and customers with our online points store platform. Integrate your existing points system using our Points API.

Point Stores

Reward your target audience using our industry leading points store platform

Our points system allows you to load and distribute points to your target audience. Points are a great way to implement gamification to existing point or recognition systems. Our system provides back-end tools for uploading spreadsheets, or your can use our API to connect directly with your existing systems.

How it works:

  • Use our upload tool or API to generate points and web links (or we can do this for you)
  • Email (or embed link into your system) the point claim link to each user
  • User logs in to claim the points
  • Point balances are displayed in users account and used as a form of payment on the order

If you are interested in integrating your existing system to a points store, contact us for API documentation or to setup a call with our development team.

Learn how Fortune 100 companies are using our points system to reward performance, and how you can too.

Frequently Asked Questions About Point Stores

There are three different ways:

  • Use our Points Web API
  • Login to your admin portal and upload/download a spreadsheet
  • Email your spreadsheet directly to your account manager, and we will take care of it for you.

Our customers integrate points stores with performance dashboards, learning management systems, award systems and many other applications.

Point claim links allow you to email your users a link to the store. This is the link you would send when informing the user that have been awarded points. Once the user clicks the link and logs into the website, the points have been claimed and added to their account.

Yes, but only if you want them to. You can enter and expiration date when creating points for each user. If left blank, the claim link will never expire.

Yes, points stores can also be configured to allow for credit card, budget and gift code payments.

Yes, the upload and API allow you to bypass the claims process and instantly update the users point balance.

Ready to get started?

See a demo

Ready to get started?

Contact us to schedule a one-on-one demonstration of our online company store platform. In this meeting we will discuss your company’s objects and show you how our platform can be configured to meet your exact business requirements.